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life1 min read

In the last post I said something about how two months would fly by before I posted again... It's been four. BUT! I have a good excuse- I started a new job! Starting a new job is always a mix of really exciting (and scary) emotions. Not only was this scary, but I also had the opportunity to relocate to San Francisco! Living in SF has always been one of those things I thought was cool, but probably not something I would do. This was probably because it felt like I didn't belong.

The phrase 'imposter syndrome' hits so close to home for me. As someone who was a transfer student from community college, I always felt like I was kind of behind or even 'less than' at times. Through my time at UCSD, I learned quickly that there is no one way to a degree and there are so many paths. For some reason, this revelation did not transfer to my perceptions of the workplace.

Working in tech, to me, was something that was only attainable by the smartest, most accomplished, and high performing individuals. For that reason, I never thought tech was something I should apply for. However, spending a lot of time reflecting during the pandemic (which most people ended up doing too), I realized the only thing stopping me from breaking into tech was me. Imposter syndrome hits again. Connecting the dots between school and work was a simple, yet powerful realization.

Now, here I am, in San Francisco, working in tech, writing a blog post about this wild journey and it's hard not to be sentimental. I could easily write paragraph after paragraph about how far I've come and how appreciative I am of everything (and everyone) that led to this moment, but instead, I'll finish with this: you are your own biggest neighsayer, but with practice, you can be your greatest champion. Making the conscious decision to be your greatest champion can lead to some amazing things :)

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