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Hello World

life2 min read

Here it is! The unoriginal "hello world" post. The first entry in the database. The lorem impsum of text. I'll be honest and say it's a little weird to be writing blog posts again... If you've been following me for a minute you may remember my blog from a few years back (which is actually more than a few, but I don't like to think about how long it has been). If you're new, welcome! I'll catch you up- I used to host a blog on my very first website and I would ramble on about my life and the current obstacle in front of me. It was ~incredibly~ therapeutic and gave me a fun time capsule of sorts to relive specific memories. I'm a very sentimental person and the thought of being able to look back and reminisce makes me happy!

I'm not going to be that person you talk to that says, "This pandemic really changed me. I'm a whole different person now!" That's not who I am, but I will say that it made me fall in love, or rather remember my passions besides work- writing and coding. After graduating college; well, really during college too, I put a heavy emphasis in my life on work (borderline too much). If you were around during my original blogging days, you remember near graduation I really struggled with getting out any blog posts and making any meaingful progress on any of my side projects. My mental capacity was being dominated by work and that trend continued up until March of last year.

Having nothing to do and nowhere to go was definitely a big motivator in picking up some of my forgotten passions. I remember when I was initially furloughed from work I wrote a list titled "Coronacation." In it were three sections- Do, Learn, and Watch. Admittedly, I did the items in "Watch" first and barely touched some of the other sections. In my "Do" Section were two things that were increasingly harder to accomplish- blog and code. If you're reading this it means I did it!

What can you expect from this website / blog? Short answer- I'm not sure yet! My master plan was to just build a website to learn new technology and blog along the way like I used to. I also think sharing some fun visualizations that I find on the Internet could be interesting! It'll be a journey!

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