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It's been a while...

life1 min read

Welp, I did it again... It's like I never learn! It's been a whole two months since I last sat down to write a blog post. I promised myself I would get better at having a stream of consciousness session to write a post, but I just never found the time! I think the better reason is that I really didn't want to. I think I overthink what gets put on here, but I need to just get in the habit of writing things down!

This website project has really awoken the inner developer that lives inside me, though. I forgot how much I really enjoy web development and creating something from scratch. Especially when I can learn something new along the way. This blog uses the Gatsby Javascript framework and it has been refreshing to see how easy it is to code and deploy a new site! Coupled with Netlify, it has been a breeze to create this new project.

I remember working on projects during undergrad that required a ton more setup and pipeline work. If only I had access to this technology then! I'll settle for the learnings I got from that :)

Hopefully I don't wait another two month again before posting, but don't hold your breath.


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